TEXMANAGER is a software developed in a Windows environment for the management of the production process. Simple but full of features, it is an indispensable tool in modern dry cleaners.
- It is used to manage the dyeing processes, plan production activities and remotely control the machines.
- It is used to manage calls for dyeing processes, auxiliaries, chemicals and dyes.
- View all measurement controllers, synoptics, trends and histograms in real time, in a practical and intuitive way.
- Calculate real machine yields and energy consumption.
- Stores all the operations carried out on the machines and the process graphics in the historical archive.
- Stores all products delivered to the machines and their quantities.
- It can be used to extract all production data necessary for industrial management controls
- It provides for the management of the fixed parameters of the machines directly from the supervision unit.
- Control of microprocessors is now possible via the Ethernet network, improving and reducing possible downtime.
- It can be interfaced with other colormatching and dosing systems.
- Possibility of on-line communication with other PCs for remote assistance via the internet.